All the Ways You Can Give Your Pets a Luxurious Life

If you have the means, you can show your pets some serious love with a luxurious life. No matter how you’d like to splurge on your furry friend, you can bet there’s someone who’s providing exactly what you need. As the options for pet luxury expand, chances are there are things you haven’t even thought of yet, but that will make Fido or Fifi feel like the royalty you know they are. 

Extraordinary Sleep Options

Just like you, your pets feel better when they sleep well so why not give them a decadent bed? Your cat sleeps for around 15 hours per day (and sometimes as much as 20!) so the right bed is essential. Whether you opt for a doughnut-shaped one or a bed that you can hang from a radiator, make sure you choose one that can be washed easily.

At 12 to 14 hours, dogs may sleep a little less than cats, but they deserve to be just as comfortable. Do your research so you’ll know which bed is best for your pup. For example, large or senior dogs may appreciate an orthopedic bed. On the other hand, you could get your smaller dog a self-warming bed, since as AireServ explains, smaller canines tend to be more vulnerable to the cold. 

Finding the best bed that your Maltipoo will love can be difficult. Check out this article from The Pet Daily to help make your decision a little bit easier.

Their Own Place

According to the Humane Society of Macomb, pets need an area to call their own so they can feel comfortable. It gives them somewhere to go when they’re feeling irritable or sleepy. If you’re interested in going all the way with your pet’s personal space, why not aim for a cozy, customized place of their own? You can build a fancy dog house from scratch or buy it pre-made, the design can go much further than the ordinary. 

The same can be said for your feline friend. A catio might be just the ticket to allowing your kitty the opportunity to savor fresh air and sunshine and daydream about feathers without disrupting your backyard feeder.  

Travel in Style

Pets need to be out in the wide-open air but that doesn’t mean they have to walk all the way to the park. You can be out and about with your pet easily with a great stroller. While there may not be much difference between the stroller you get for a dog or cat, both animals can certainly appreciate the comfort and opportunity to be with you. 

You can DIY a pet stroller from a second-hand shop or through a website like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, just modify it to meet your pet’s needs. 

Providing your furry friend some wheels is a great way to get older or less mobile pets out and about with you. And if your pet gets irritable or skittish around crowds or unfamiliar environments, the right stroller will keep them calm, safe and out of trouble.

Excellent Vacations

Even though you’re keeping your pet in the lap of luxury at home, that doesn’t mean they don’t want a break from everyday life too. How about treating them to the kind of vacation they never thought possible. This means taking them to hotels that do more than just accommodate them. 

When you’re planning a trip with your dog, make sure to check out all your hotel options. In the best dog-friendly hotels, they cater to both of you as you’ll both sleep on the best beds and eat only the best foods. Here is a great article on where to find the best pet friendly ski resorts if you would like to take your pet on a ski trip.

When it comes to giving your pets a more luxurious life, there are options aplenty. Whether you want to give them a better bed or their own lux space, carry them out in style or book a vacation they’ll love, make sure you do your research. That way, you’ll get exactly what suits your and your furry friend’s needs.

Author: Aurora James


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