My Doodle Puppy Blog

Your ultimate resource for happy doodle puppies!

health, grooming Marlene Kingston health, grooming Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Bad Breath

There is nothing like calling your Maltipoo that is well groomed and cleaned over to you, just to have them jump in your lap and give you a good whiff of overpowering bad breath. If this has happened to you, you are not alone.

Some dogs have acute bad breath while others have stubborn chronic issues that don’t seem to ever go away. Bad breath is not uncommon with canines.

In this article we will go over why your maltipoo may have bad breath and tips on keeping it smelling great.

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health, grooming Marlene Kingston health, grooming Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Ears

In this article we will discuss the three most important things about the Maltipoo ears.

Shape and Size - Most importantly, we will talk about erect vs drop ears.

Cleaning and Care of the Ears - This is an important, but often overlooked element of grooming.

Ear Infections - This is a common problem with Maltipoos. While it can happen to any dog at any time, the ear shape and thickness can contribute to this, as well as a lack of regular ear cleanings.

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care, grooming Marlene Kingston care, grooming Marlene Kingston

All the Ways You Can Give Your Pets a Luxurious Life

If you have the means, you can show your pets some serious love with a luxurious life. No matter how you’d like to splurge on your furry friend, you can bet there’s someone who’s providing exactly what you need. As the options for pet luxury expand, chances are there are things you haven’t even thought of yet, but that will make Fido or Fifi feel like the royalty you know they are.

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