Tips and Tricks To Training Your Maltipoo

Maltipoo standing on grass

Embracing a Maltipoo into your life is a delightful adventure, filled with companionship and joy. However, it also calls for an important undertaking – training your fluffy friend. This task is crucial in fostering a well-mannered behavior, ensuring their safety, and deepening your bond with them.

Whether you're welcoming a new Maltipoo puppy or preparing to do so, it's an exciting time! Training your Maltipoo might seem like a daunting task initially, but fear not! With the right knowledge, preparation, and a dose of patience, you can seamlessly guide your little pup into becoming a confident, well-behaved dog.

This guide aims to illuminate the various training methodologies for Maltipoos, address common challenges, and provide handy tips to aid you in this unique journey. We'll equip you with everything you need to set your pup up for success. So, gear up for a rewarding experience that strengthens your bond with your Maltipoo.

What’s The Best Age To Start Training Your Maltipoo Puppy?

The ideal time to start training your Maltipoo puppy is as early as 4-6 months. At this age, their brains are fully developed and they've had a variety of experiences, offering them a better comprehension of their environment. However, remember, training is not an activity to be postponed; even before this ideal age, your Maltipoo is constantly learning from its surroundings and interactions.

While the 4-6 months period might be the most beneficial for structured training, it's crucial not to delay beginning their training journey. You can start teaching your Maltipoo basic commands and manners as soon as they arrive at your home, instilling good habits from the beginning.

Please note, if you're considering socializing your Maltipoo or enrolling them in group training sessions, you must wait until they're at least 12 weeks old or fully vaccinated to ensure their safety and the safety of other dogs. Check out our vaccination schedule here.


Wondering how to navigate Maltipoo training? The training journey involves a mix of methods, tips, and important factors. The foundation of your Maltipoo's training lies in a well-structured daily schedule and early exposure to socialization. Let's delve into these aspects.

Create a Consistent Routine

The first crucial step is creating and adhering to a consistent daily routine for your pup. This has multiple benefits when training your Maltipoo. As your puppy transitions into a new home, away from their siblings and mother, a structured routine can provide a sense of security, allowing them to anticipate the day's flow from dawn till dusk.

Additionally, a routine assists in scheduling essential activities like meals, potty breaks, naps, exercise, play, and quality time with you. For potty training, this is key, helping your Maltipoo understand the appropriate times and places for relieving themselves. We'll discuss this further in this guide.

Begin Socialization Early

An integral part of Maltipoo training is early socialization. Introduce your puppy to individuals of all ages, including children, and let them interact with other pets in a safe environment.

It's crucial to ensure your puppy is fully vaccinated and approved by your vet before venturing into communal areas like dog parks.

Socializing serves multiple objectives. Firstly, it aids your puppy in getting comfortable around a variety of people and pets, learning appropriate interactions. Secondly, it boosts your pup's confidence, reducing potential anxiety or stress in unfamiliar situations. Lastly, as Maltipoos are naturally sociable, they thrive in interactive environments.


Let's delve into creating an effective routine to make your Maltipoo's training process much smoother!

Step 1: Start the day with a potty break right after your Maltipoo wakes up. This not only alleviates their immediate need after a long night's sleep but also sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

Step 2: Establish consistent meal times for your Maltipoo, ideally aligning it with your own breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedules. This regularity aids digestion and doubles as a fantastic bonding opportunity.

Step 3: Post mealtime, be ready for another potty break, especially if your Maltipoo is a puppy. Puppies need to eliminate 30 to 60 minutes after eating, so this becomes an important routine to maintain.

Step 4: Next up is exercise time, a key component of their day. Be mindful of their stamina levels; if your Maltipoo is very young, keep the exercise sessions short and sweet.

Step 5: Another potty break post exercise is essential. Physical activities stimulate their metabolism, so be prepared for this need.

Step 6: Let your Maltipoo rest and nap after their exercise and potty session. Puppies can sleep up to 18 hours a day, vital for their healthy growth.

Step 7: After naptime, it's another potty break. Whether it's morning or post-nap, puppies typically need to eliminate after waking up.

Step 8: Set a consistent bedtime routine, and your Maltipoo will learn to follow suit. And of course, a final potty break before bed helps prevent nighttime accidents.

Step 9: Lastly, pay attention to the frequency of feeding times, dependent on your Maltipoo's age. Initially, 3 to 4 meals a day are recommended from 8 to 12 weeks old, decreasing to 3 times a day by the 4-5 month mark, and further reduced to twice daily when they reach 6 to 7 months. This graduated reduction aligns with their developmental and dietary needs.

Maltipoo Training Challenges and Effective Solutions

  1. Excessive Barking: Maltipoos are known for their vocal nature, which can sometimes lead to excessive barking. This issue can be tackled by teaching them a "quiet" command or redirecting their attention. Remember, never shout or get angry as this may intensify the behavior.

  2. Separation Anxiety: Being sociable and affectionate, Maltipoos can suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. Ease this by gradually increasing their alone time, providing plenty of toys for stimulation, and maintaining a calm atmosphere when leaving and returning home.

  3. Stubbornness: Maltipoos can sometimes show a stubborn streak during training. Make training sessions fun, short, and rewarding to maintain their interest. A positive reinforcement approach is key to tackling this issue.

  4. Potty Training Challenges: Some Maltipoos may take longer to fully understand potty training. Consistency, patience, and a regular bathroom schedule can greatly help. Remember to reward them when they get it right.

  5. Jumping Up on People: Maltipoos may jump up on people out of excitement or to seek attention. To address this, teach your pup a 'sit' or 'down' command to use when they start jumping. Ignoring the jumping and rewarding the calm behavior can also be effective.

  6. Chewing: As with many breeds, Maltipoos may go through a chewing phase, especially during their teething period. Provide them with a variety of chew toys and discourage them from chewing on inappropriate items.

Remember, it's crucial to approach each issue with patience and understanding, ensuring your Maltipoo feels safe and loved throughout their training process.

Basic Obedience Training

A solid foundation in basic obedience training is crucial for every Maltipoo. The significance of teaching commands such as "sit", "stay", and "come here" cannot be overstated. These are the essential building blocks of effective communication between you and your furry friend.

  1. "Sit" Command: Teaching your Maltipoo to sit on command can serve many purposes. It's a great way to instill calmness, especially in exciting or distracting environments. Moreover, it can prevent your Maltipoo from jumping up on people or dashing out the door.

  2. "Stay" Command: The "stay" command can be a lifesaver. It's essential to ensure your Maltipoo's safety, especially in situations where you need them to remain in a particular place for a certain period.

  3. "Come Here" Command: The "come here" command, also known as recall, is equally critical. In a potentially dangerous situation where your Maltipoo is running off, a reliable recall can bring them back to safety.

These basic commands, when taught correctly and consistently, can help prevent accidents, ensure your Maltipoo's safety, and foster better communication between you two. It's about creating an environment where both you and your pet understand each other's needs and expectations.

Is a Maltipoo Easy To Train?

Yes, Maltipoos are generally easy to train, thanks to their intelligence and eagerness to please. However, the ease of training can also depend on their background and environment. If they come from stressful or neglectful situations, they may need additional time and patience to overcome any negative behaviors or fears. But with consistent, positive reinforcement training, Maltipoos can adapt and learn quickly.

Instilling Bathroom Etiquette: Potty Training Your Maltipoo

Potty training your Maltipoo starts with creating a routine. Regularly take your puppy outside, especially after meals, naps, and playtime. Use specific phrases, like "go potty," to help them associate the phrase with the action. When they successfully eliminate outside, reward them with praise or treats to reinforce the behavior. Patience and consistency are vital in this process.

Creating a Harmonious Household: House Training Your Maltipoo

House training your Maltipoo involves setting clear boundaries and expectations. Begin by limiting your puppy to a specific area or room, gradually allowing them more freedom as they prove their understanding of house rules. Consistently reinforce positive behaviors, like playing with their toys or resting in their bed, with treats or praise. If you catch them in the act of unwanted behavior, distract them and redirect to the appropriate action instead. Remember, successful house training is a gradual process requiring patience and consistency.

Vaccination before Socialization

It is critical to ensure that your Mlatipoo is up to date on its vaccinations before getting by any people or dogs that have been around any other dogs, especially dog trainers in group training sessions like the ones at PetSmart and Petco. Not following this precaution can cause serious health issues and even death to your Dog. This is not only for your dog’s safety, but for other dogs as well. You are prone to things like Gardia and Parvo without taking the vaccination, for further details check out our vaccination article here.

By keeping your Maltipoo up-to-date with their vaccinations, you are taking a significant step towards safeguarding their health as they embark on the enriching journey of socialization and training.

Group of different dog breeds sitting on wood floor

Harnessing Group Dynamics: Maltipoo Group Training

Group training sessions, provided by established pet stores like PetSmart and Petco, offer Maltipoos a platform to learn essential commands while socializing with other dogs. They range from basic beginner classes to more advanced levels. The key advantage of these sessions is the structured environment that facilitates interaction with other dogs, comprehension of commands, and behavior regulation, aiding your Maltipoo's sociability.

Immersive Learning Experience: Board and Train Programs

Board and train programs present an intensive training solution where your Maltipoo lives with a professional trainer for several weeks, receiving daily training and socialization. These programs offer comprehensive training routines addressing various behaviors and skills, making them ideal for pet owners who find training overwhelming. However, they can be expensive and may cause stress due to your Maltipoo's extended absence from home. Check out our trained puppies here!

Flexible and Convenient Approach: Online Maltipoo Training

Online training courses like the ones provided by offer a flexible and modern approach to Maltipoo training. These courses are accessible anytime, fitting perfectly into busy schedules. They cover a wide range of behaviors and commands and can be revisited for reinforcement. Moreover, online training allows your Maltipoo to learn in a familiar environment, enhancing their comfort and focus.

Incorporating Training into Everyday Life

Integrating training into your Maltipoo's daily routines is an effective way to reinforce learned behaviors and commands. Training doesn't have to be a separate, scheduled activity; it can take place during walks, meal times, play sessions, and other routine activities.

Training During Daily Activities: Regular daily activities offer numerous opportunities for training. For instance, you can practice the "sit" command before feeding your Maltipoo or the "stay" command before opening doors. Similarly, walks can be used to reinforce leash etiquette and the "come here" command.

The Importance of Consistency and Repetition: Consistency is key in training. Ensure that you're using the same commands and rewards each time, and try to incorporate training into your Maltipoo's daily routine. Repetition helps reinforce behaviors and commands, making them second nature to your Maltipoo. Remember, patience is crucial in this process. Progress may be gradual, but consistent effort will yield positive results in your Maltipoo's behavior and obedience.


As a Maltipoo owner, prioritizing your pet's training is an investment in their safety, well-being, and your mutual enjoyment of each other. This guide has explored various training options, from the fundamental obedience commands to more structured alternatives like group training, board and train programs, and online courses like those offered by

Remember, the goal of training is not merely obedience but fostering a strong, understanding bond between you and your Maltipoo. Whichever training path you choose, the key ingredients to success are consistency, patience, and repetition.

Embrace the training journey with your Maltipoo - it's an opportunity to learn more about your furry friend and enhance the quality of life you share together. Your commitment to their training today will reward both of you with a stronger relationship and a happier, safer life in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are Maltipoo dogs hard to potty train?

A: While potty training is often considered a challenging task for all dog breeds, Maltipoos are generally on the easier side of the spectrum to house train. Their high intelligence and eagerness to please their owners aid in this process. However, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement remain key in successful potty training.

Q: How do you train a Maltipoo to pee?

A: Training a Maltipoo to pee involves establishing a consistent routine and using positive reinforcement. Take them outside frequently, especially after meals, naps, and playtime. When they relieve themselves in the correct spot, reward them immediately with praise or a treat. If accidents occur indoors, clean up promptly to prevent them from associating the area with elimination.

Q: How do I get my dog to tell me he has to pee?

A: To teach your dog to signal when they need to pee, you can use techniques like bell training. Hang a bell by the door, and each time you take your dog out to pee, gently touch their paw to the bell. Over time, they should start to associate ringing the bell with going outside to pee and will do it themselves when needed. Consistency and patience are key to this training process.

Q: How do I tell my dog to pee?

A: To instruct your dog to pee, take them to the designated potty area and use a consistent command like "Go potty." Be patient, give them time, and reward them with praise or a treat once they've done their business to reinforce the behavior.

Q: How do dogs decide where to pee?

A: Dogs, both males and females, decide where to pee based on scent marking, although it's more common in males. When marking, they prefer vertical surfaces to allow the urine to cover a larger area as it flows downwards. This makes their scent more noticeable to other dogs passing by, sending a stronger message.
