11 Essential Care Tips For A Happy and Healthy Cavapoo


Welcoming a Cavapoo puppy into your home is a thrilling experience filled with warm cuddles, playful antics, and a whole lot of love. Cavapoos are a unique breed with specific needs that set them apart. They thrive on companionship and require a balanced diet, regular grooming due to their unique coat, and adequate mental and physical stimulation. Being prepared for these needs will ensure that your puppy grows into a healthy and well-adjusted dog.

In the first few months, you can expect a mix of excitement and challenges. There will be the joy of watching your Cavapoo explore its new home, the first successful potty training, and the bond that forms with each interaction. On the flip side, there will be midnight whimpers, nipping issues, and occasional accidents on your favorite rug. But don't worry! With a bit of patience, guidance, and a lot of love, you will soon settle into a rhythm with your new furry friend.

This comprehensive guide is designed to navigate you through this journey, providing essential information on how to care for your Cavapoo puppy. From choosing a good vet and establishing a nutritious feeding routine, to understanding their grooming needs and teaching obedience, we've got it all covered. With this information in hand, you will be well-prepared to provide the best care possible for your Cavapoo, setting the stage for a lifetime of shared happiness and companionship. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

cavapoo puppy laying down on grass with sunlight beam in the back


The first two weeks after bringing your Cavapoo home are important for setting routines, bonding, and beginning basic training. Here's a guide to help you navigate this initial period:

Feeding Schedule: Cavapoo puppies generally eat three to four times a day. Choose a premium puppy food appropriate for small breeds and stick to a consistent feeding routine. Always ensure fresh water is available.

Potty Training: Start potty training straight away. Cavapoos, known for their intelligence, can quickly learn to use a designated potty area. Maintain consistency by taking your puppy to the same spot after meals, after waking, and post-play. Reward successful bathroom breaks with praise or treats.

Sleeping Environment: Provide your Cavapoo with a comfortable, quiet sleep space. Many owners find crate training advantageous, offering a secure, snug den for the puppy that also aids potty training. Equip the crate with a soft bed, and consider adding a blanket or a plush toy for additional comfort.

Socialization and Play: Gently expose your Cavapoo to new sounds, sights, and experiences from early on. Playtime is key for bonding and letting your puppy expend energy.

Vet Visit: Arrange your Cavapoo's first vet visit within the first week of bringing them home. The vet will conduct a health check-up, discuss vaccinations, and offer advice on feeding and care.

The initial two weeks with your Cavapoo are an exciting time of adaptation. Keep in mind that patience, consistency, and lots of affection will ease your new puppy's transition into their forever home.


As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your Cavapoo puppy, it's crucial to prepare your home with the necessary items that will ensure their comfort and meet their needs. Here are some must-have supplies:

  • Canine Crate: Cavapoos, like most dogs, appreciate a sense of security. Choose a crate like the iCrate double-door dog crate or the Aspen Pet Porter Heavy-Duty Pet Carrier, which offers just enough space for your Cavapoo to feel safe. This will be invaluable for overnight sleep and when you need to secure your puppy.

  • Comfortable Bedding: Your Cavapoo deserves a comfy bed for restful sleep and daytime lounging. A snug bed serves as a sanctuary, making them feel secure and relaxed.

  • Soothing Plush Toy: A Snuggle Puppy or similar toy, designed to imitate the comforting heartbeat of a mother or sibling, can provide reassurance and reduce anxiety, especially during the initial transition period.

  • Properly Sized Food & Water Bowls: Invest in durable, easy-to-clean bowls like the Vivaglory Dog Bowls Stainless Steel Water and Food Feeder, tailored to your Cavapoo's size, for their food and water.

  • Collar/Harness & Leash: A robust collar or harness and leash, akin to the Barleygoo Bow Tie Dog Collar with Leash set, are indispensable for pleasurable walks and outdoor adventures with your Cavapoo.

  • Booster Seat: Consider a booster seat for safe and comfortable car journeys. This will enable your Cavapoo to enjoy the view while ensuring their safety.

  • High-Quality Canine Nutrition: Opt for premium puppy food, specifically designed for small breeds. Your vet can provide personalized recommendations.

  • Assortment of Toys: A collection of toys can offer mental stimulation, satisfy chewing tendencies, and keep your Cavapoo entertained. Consider an array of chew toys, interactive toys, and soft toys for snuggling.

  • Grooming Essentials: Grooming supplies like a high-quality brush, dog-safe shampoo, dental care products, and nail clippers are crucial for maintaining your Cavapoo's coat and overall health.


The initial vet visit can be a nerve-wracking experience for both you and your Cavapoo puppy. By taking a few precautionary measures, you can transform this encounter into a positive experience:

  • Comfort Items: Consider carrying along a preferred toy or blanket. Familiar items can provide a sense of security to your Cavapoo during this unfamiliar experience.

  • Prevent Car Sickness: To avoid any travel-related nausea, it's advised not to feed your Cavapoo immediately before the journey.

  • Reassuring Communication: Maintain a calm, soothing tone when speaking to your puppy during the exam. This will reassure your Cavapoo and make the visit less stressful.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Consult with your vet beforehand about bringing treats along. A tasty reward can work wonders in assuaging any anxiety post-examination.


Your Cavapoo puppy's first visit to the vet is a vital opportunity to gain a wealth of information about their health and care needs. Preparing a list of questions beforehand can ensure you make the most out of this visit. Here are some essential topics you might consider:

  • Feeding: Ask about the appropriate type and amount of food for your Cavapoo puppy. As they grow, their dietary needs will change, so it's important to get guidance on this. You might ask, "What type of puppy food would you recommend? How much and how often should I feed my Cavapoo?"

  • Vaccination Schedule: Inquire about the recommended schedule for vaccinations. This can help protect your puppy from various diseases. You can ask, "When should my puppy get their vaccinations, and which ones are essential?" Remember, it's important not to double dose if the breeder has already administered any vaccines, as this can be harmful.

    Common vaccinations for puppies include:

    • Distemper

    • Parvovirus

    • Hepatitis

    • Rabies

  • Parasite Control: Parasites can pose a significant health risk for puppies. Ask about effective methods for controlling and preventing parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms. For example, "What parasite prevention methods should I use for my Cavapoo? When should I start?"

  • Signs of Illness: Understanding the early signs of an illness can help ensure your puppy gets timely care when needed. Consider asking, "What signs of illness should I look out for in my Cavapoo puppy? *Below is a list of things to look out for

  • Spaying/Neutering: Ask about the pros and cons of spaying or neutering your Cavapoo, and when it should ideally be done. For instance, "When is the best time to spay/neuter my puppy? What are the benefits and potential risks?"

Remember, a good vet will appreciate your proactive approach and be more than willing to provide thorough answers to your questions. Gathering this knowledge will not only help you in caring for your Cavapoo puppy but also provide a strong foundation for their health and well-being.


It's essential to know the signs of potential health issues in your Cavapoo puppy. Common signs of illness can include:

  • Changes in appetite or water consumption

  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea

  • Lethargy or lack of usual energy

  • Persistent coughing or sneezing

  • Difficulty urinating or defecating

  • Unusual lumps or swelling

  • Changes in weight

  • Excessive scratching, licking or chewing

  • Discharge from the eyes or nose

  • Unusual changes in behavior

If you notice any of these signs or other changes in your Cavapoo's behavior, it's important to seek veterinary care promptly. Early detection and treatment often lead to better outcomes. Regular vet check-ups will also help catch any potential health issues early on. Remember, your vet is your best ally when it comes to your puppy's health and well-being.


Optimal nutrition is essential for your Cavapoo's overall well-being. This energetic, small breed thrives on high-quality, nutrient-dense foods such as Life's Abundance Small and Medium Breed Dog Food, which support their vivacious nature.

Cavapoos don't have breed-specific dietary requirements, but during their puppy phase, they benefit significantly from specially formulated puppy food. This aids their rapid development and growth. As a general guideline, you should adhere to the following feeding schedule:

  • From 6-12 weeks: Provide 4 meals per day

  • From 3-6 months: Reduce to 3 meals per day

  • From 6-12 months: Transition to 2 meals per day

The portion sizes will vary depending on the food type, your puppy's age, size, and activity levels. For accurate dietary advice tailored to your Cavapoo, it's always best to consult with your vet.


Potty training your Cavapoo puppy requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Start by establishing a regular feeding schedule, as this will help predict when they'll need to go. Generally, puppies need to eliminate after they wake up, after they eat, and after they play.

Take your puppy outside every couple of hours and immediately after the above activities. Designate a specific outdoor area for potty time and take them to this spot consistently. Praise and reward your Cavapoo when they eliminate in the designated area to reinforce the behavior. Over time, they will associate the area with going potty.

Here is a list of the most common times you should be taking your cavapoo on a potty break:

  • Upon waking up in the morning.

  • Just before going to sleep at night.

  • Right after consuming a large meal or drink.

  • After waking from a nap.

  • During and after engaging in physical activities.

Remember, accidents will happen, so be patient. Avoid scolding your puppy; instead, quietly clean up and continue the routine.


Training is crucial for your Cavapoo, instilling good manners and fostering a strong bond between you. Start with basic commands like "sit," "stay," "come," and "leave it." Be consistent with your commands and offer positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, when your puppy successfully follows a command.

Cavapoos are intelligent and eager to please, making them generally responsive to training. However, they can also inherit the Poodle's independent streak, which can make them occasionally stubborn. Patience, consistency, and positive methods are the keys to effective training.

Obedience classes can be an excellent resource, especially for first-time dog owners. These classes can provide structured learning environments for your puppy and offer an opportunity for socialization. Look for a reputable trainer in your area who uses positive reinforcement methods.


Cavapoos have a unique coat that combines the Poodle's curly or wavy hair with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's soft, silky texture. This can result in a range of coat types, from straight and silky to loose curls.

Regular brushing, about 3 to 4 times a week, is crucial to prevent matting and tangles, and to help keep your Cavapoo's coat healthy. You'll also need to regularly check and clean their ears, brush their teeth, and trim their nails.

Professional grooming is advisable every 6-8 weeks to keep their coats trimmed and neat, especially if your Cavapoo has a more curly or wavy coat. A professional groomer can also thoroughly clean their ears and teeth, and take care of their nails.

Are Cavapoos high maintenance?

Indeed, Cavapoos are considered high-maintenance in terms of grooming. Their unique coats necessitate more than a simple weekly brush, requiring consistent care to maintain their optimal condition.


Cavapoos are energetic and active dogs that require regular exercise to keep them healthy and happy. A couple of daily walks, along with some playtime in the yard or with toys, should meet their physical activity needs. Remember that puppies have smaller reserves of energy and will need shorter, more frequent bouts of exercise.

Socialization is equally important. Expose your Cavapoo to various environments, people, and other animals from a young age to help them grow into a well-adjusted adult dog. Regular visits to the dog park, walks in different neighborhoods, and puppy playdates can all contribute to effective socialization. Always supervise these interactions to ensure they stay positive and safe for your Cavapoo.


Raising a Cavapoo can be a rewarding experience if you keep a few key considerations in mind:

  1. Consistent Training: Cavapoos are smart and eager to please, which makes them receptive to consistent, positive reinforcement training.

  2. Regular Exercise: Cavapoos have moderate energy levels and need regular physical activity to stay healthy.

  3. Socialization: Early and frequent exposure to different environments, people, and animals helps in raising a confident and sociable Cavapoo.

  4. Mental Stimulation: Keep your Cavapoo mentally engaged with puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive games.

  5. Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular vet visits help monitor your Cavapoo's health and catch any potential issues early.

  6. Adequate Grooming: Regular grooming keeps your Cavapoo's coat clean, reduces shedding, and helps you spot any skin issues early.


Bringing a Cavapoo into your life is a journey filled with joy, companionship, and learning. From selecting the right food and vet to understanding their training and exercise needs, there's much to consider. With the right preparation, patience, and love, you'll build a strong bond with your Cavapoo and help them grow into a well-behaved and happy member of your family. As you embark on this exciting adventure, remember that every challenge is an opportunity for bonding, and every effort is rewarded with endless puppy love. Welcome to the wonderful world of Cavapoo parenting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I keep my Cavapoo happy?

A: To keep your Cavapoo content and fulfilled, ensure they receive between 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This breed thrives on mental engagement as well, so incorporate interactive toys such as ropes for tug-of-war games and frisbees for fetch sessions into their daily routine.

Q: Are Cavapoos good for first time dog owners?

A: Yes, Cavapoos are an excellent choice for first-time dog owners due to their adaptable nature and friendly disposition. They enjoy exploring new environments and typically grasp training routines quite swiftly.

Q: How smart are Cavapoos?

A: Cavapoos are notably smart. With both parents known for their cognitive prowess, Cavapoos are typically quick learners and readily trainable.