Comprehensive Training Guide For Your Cavapoo

Cavapoo with red cape and dog tag around neck sitting on couch

Photo Credit: Paula Maus in our Maltipoo Facebook Group

Welcoming a Cavapoo, a blend of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles, into your life is an exciting journey of love, laughter, and a touch of mischief. With this joyous addition comes the responsibility of nurturing them into a well-behaved adult, with consistent training being key. Training builds a harmonious relationship with your Cavapoo, reinforcing good behaviors, safety, and a strong bond. Understanding their unique needs enhances training effectiveness.

In this condensed guide, we'll explore Cavapoo training aspects, from breed understanding, obedience training, vaccination importance, group training, boarding programs, online courses, to everyday training integration. Let's deepen our bond with our Cavapoos and create a peaceful living environment together.

What’s The Optimal Age To Start Training Your Cavapoo Puppy?

The optimal time to begin training your Cavapoo puppy is around 4-6 months. By this age, their cognitive development is sufficient for better understanding of their surroundings. However, training shouldn't be deferred; even before this age, your Cavapoo is always learning from its environment and interactions.

Though the 4-6 month range is ideal for formal training, don't delay their learning journey. Teach basic commands and manners as soon as they're home, fostering good habits early.

Note, for group training or socialization, wait until they're at least 12 weeks old or fully vaccinated for safety. Consult our vaccination schedule for more information.

How Long Does it Take to Train a Cavapoo Puppy?

Training duration can vary depending on the puppy and the consistency of the training, but typically, basic obedience training for a Cavapoo puppy can take a few weeks to a couple of months. However, remember that training is an ongoing process and should continue throughout your Cavapoo's life to reinforce good behaviors and maintain mental stimulation.


Navigating Cavapoo training? It blends various methods and factors. Your Cavapoo's training backbone is a regular daily routine and early social exposure. Let's delve into these.

Create a Consistent Routine

Establish and maintain a regular daily routine for your puppy. This offers multiple benefits, providing a sense of security to your transitioning pup and anticipating the day's structure.

A routine helps schedule essential activities like meals, potty breaks, naps, exercise, play, and bonding time. This is particularly vital for potty training, teaching your Cavapoo appropriate relief times and spots.

Begin Socialization Early

Early socialization is critical in Cavapoo training. Allow your puppy to interact with people of all ages and other pets in safe settings.

Ensure your puppy is fully vaccinated and vet-approved before heading into shared areas like dog parks.

Socializing has many benefits. It helps your puppy adapt to diverse people and pets, builds confidence in new situations, and enhances their naturally sociable nature.

Are Cavapoos Easy to Train?

Yes, Cavapoos are generally easy to train. They are intelligent, obedient, and have a strong desire to please their owners, making them quite responsive to training. Their energy and curiosity also mean they benefit from both physical exercise and mental stimulation during training sessions.

How Do I Teach My Puppy Obedience?

Obedience training your Cavapoo involves teaching them basic commands and manners, like sit, stay, come, and leash training. Here are a few steps to get started:

  1. Start Early: Start training your Cavapoo puppy as early as possible, ideally around 8 weeks old. This helps establish good behaviors early on.

  2. Be Consistent: Consistency is key in obedience training. Use the same commands and gestures each time, and make sure all family members do the same.

  3. Positive Reinforcement: Cavapoos respond well to positive reinforcement methods. When your Cavapoo obeys a command correctly, reward them immediately with treats, praise, or petting to reinforce the behavior.

  4. Keep Sessions Short: Keep training sessions short, about 5-10 minutes, multiple times a day. Puppies have short attention spans, and shorter sessions are more productive.

  5. Command Training: Start with simple commands like "sit", "stay", and "come". Use a treat to guide your Cavapoo into the correct position, then say the command, and give the treat and praise when they obey.

  6. Leash Training: Introduce your Cavapoo to a leash and collar early on. Start by letting them wear the collar around the house, then attach the leash and let them get used to the weight. Once they're comfortable, start short, gentle walks, gradually increasing the distance.

  7. Socialization: Socializing your Cavapoo with other dogs and people is an important part of obedience training. This can help prevent fear-based behaviors and aggression, and helps your Cavapoo become a well-adjusted adult dog.

  8. Patience: Remember, patience is crucial in dog training. Some dogs take longer to learn than others, and that's okay. Consistent, positive reinforcement will yield results over time.

Remember, every dog is unique and what works for one might not work for another. You may need to try different methods or adjust these steps to suit your Cavapoo's learning style. If you're struggling with training, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer.

Do Cavapoos Train Well?

Yes, Cavapoos train very well. They are intelligent dogs, receptive to learning new skills and tricks. Their love for physical activities like agility makes them excellent candidates for various dog sports. Their strong bonding with owners and sensitive, affectionate nature also make them wonderful family dogs, especially good with children.

How Do I Potty Train My Cavapoo?

Potty training your Cavapoo is a crucial part of their training. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Establish a Routine: Puppies thrive on routine. Establish regular feeding times and potty breaks. Typically, a puppy needs to go out first thing in the morning, after meals, naps, and playtimes, and right before bedtime.

  2. Choose a Potty Spot: Choose a specific area outside for your Cavapoo to use as their bathroom. Consistently bringing them to this spot will help them understand where they should go.

  3. Use a Cue Word or Phrase: Use a cue word or phrase like "go potty" each time they are about to relieve themselves. They will eventually associate the phrase with the action, making training easier.

  4. Praise and Reward: When your Cavapoo successfully goes potty in the correct spot, offer praise and a small treat. This reinforces the behavior and makes them more likely to repeat it.

  5. Confine When Necessary: When you can't supervise your Cavapoo, consider using a crate or playpen. Dogs typically don't like to soil where they sleep, which can speed up the potty training process.

  6. Clean Accidents Thoroughly: Accidents will happen. When they do, clean the area thoroughly to remove the scent and prevent them from going there again.

  7. Patience and Consistency: Potty training doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience and consistency. Keep your tone positive, never punish your Cavapoo for accidents, and continue to reward them for getting it right.

Remember, every dog is different, and some might take longer to potty train than others. Keep the process positive and patient, and you'll get there.

Dog walking on leash with logo

Photo Credit: My Doodle Puppy in our Maltipoo Facebook group


Let's outline an effective routine for a smoother Cavapoo training journey!

Step 1: Start with a potty break after your Cavapoo wakes up, providing relief after the night and setting a positive start for the day.

Step 2: Set consistent meal times, ideally aligned with your own meals. This aids digestion and offers a great bonding opportunity.

Step 3: Anticipate a potty break after meals, especially for puppies. They typically need to eliminate 30 to 60 minutes after eating.

Step 4: Incorporate exercise time, adjusting for stamina levels based on their age.

Step 5: Schedule a potty break post exercise, as physical activities stimulate their metabolism.

Step 6: Allow rest and nap time after exercise and potty sessions. Remember, puppies may sleep up to 18 hours a day for healthy growth.

Step 7: Follow naptime with another potty break, as puppies usually need to eliminate upon waking up.

Step 8: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and end the day with a final potty break to avoid nighttime accidents.

Step 9: Monitor feeding frequency, adjusting according to age. Puppies between 8 to 12 weeks require 3 to 4 meals a day, reducing to twice daily by 6 to 7 months.


  • Excessive Barking: Cavapoos can be vocal and may bark excessively. Address this with a "quiet" command or by redirecting attention. Never respond angrily as it can worsen the behavior.

  • Separation Anxiety: Cavapoos can experience separation anxiety when left alone. Gradually increase alone time, provide toys for stimulation, and maintain calm when leaving and returning home.

  • Stubbornness: Some Cavapoos may be stubborn during training. Make training fun, short, and rewarding. Positive reinforcement works best.

  • Potty Training Challenges: Some Cavapoos may take longer to potty train. Maintain a regular bathroom schedule and reward them for correct behavior.

  • Jumping Up on People: Cavapoos may jump out of excitement or to seek attention. Teach a 'sit' or 'down' command and reward calm behavior to address this.

  • Chewing: Like many breeds, Cavapoos may chew during teething. Provide chew toys and discourage inappropriate chewing.

Always approach each issue with patience and understanding, making sure your Cavapoo feels safe and loved throughout their training journey.

Understanding Cavapoos: Breed Characteristics and Behavior

Understanding your Cavapoo's breed characteristics is crucial for effective training. Cavapoos, a blend of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Poodle, are known for their friendly nature, adaptability, and intelligence. They require engaging and consistent training to prevent behaviors like separation anxiety. Training also enhances safety and strengthens your bond with your Cavapoo, making it a vital part of your journey together. Individual Cavapoo personalities may vary, emphasizing the need for a personalized training approach.

Training Options for Cavapoos

Training is a vital part of responsible pet ownership, and when it comes to Cavapoos, there are several options available. These options range from basic obedience training to more advanced programs and can be tailored to your Cavapoo's specific needs and your lifestyle.

Basic Obedience Training

This is the foundation for any further training and is essential for every Cavapoo. Basic obedience training covers commands such as "sit," "stay," and "come," which are the building blocks for effective communication with your Cavapoo. This training can be done at home or with the help of a professional trainer.

Group Training Sessions

Group training sessions can be conducted at pet stores such as PetSmart and Petco, dog training centers, or community centers. These sessions not only provide socialization opportunities but also allow your Cavapoo to learn and practice commands in a more diverse environment. However, it's important to ensure your Cavapoo is fully vaccinated before attending these sessions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Board and Train Programs

In these programs, your Cavapoo will stay with a professional trainer for a predetermined period, during which they will receive intensive training and socialization experiences. While these programs can be quite effective, they also require a significant time commitment and can be quite costly.

Online Training Courses

Online courses are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and convenience. They allow you to train your Cavapoo at your own pace and in your own environment, which can be less stressful for your Cavapoo.

Regardless of the training method chosen, it's essential to maintain consistency in your Cavapoo's training. This includes being consistent with commands and rewards and integrating training into daily routines. The key to successful training is repetition and patience; progress may seem slow at first, but with time and perseverance, your Cavapoo will learn the desired behaviors.

Conclusion: A Happy Cavapoo Life

Bringing a Cavapoo into your life is a rewarding journey, filled with moments of joy, companionship, and learning. This guide has explored the various avenues available for training your Cavapoo, emphasizing the importance of obedience training, socialization, and consistent reinforcement of learned behaviors.

  • Recap of Training Importance: As we've discovered, effective training is paramount in ensuring a safe and harmonious life with your Cavapoo. Whether it's basic commands, group training sessions, board and train programs, or online courses, each type of training contributes to your Cavapoo's overall behavior and well-being.

  • Commitment to Training: The journey of training your Cavapoo isn't always straightforward, but your commitment to the process is what makes it worthwhile. The patience, time, and consistency you invest today will manifest as a strong bond, mutual respect, and shared understanding with your Cavapoo in the future.

Training your Cavapoo isn't merely about teaching commands; it's about nurturing a relationship based on understanding and communication. It's about creating an environment where both you and your Cavapoo thrive.

Embrace this training journey with your Cavapoo. It's a unique opportunity to learn more about your furry friend and to enhance the quality of the life you share. Remember, your commitment to training today will pave the way for a stronger relationship and a happier, safer life together in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: At what age does a Cavapoo calm down?

A: Cavapoos typically start to become calmer and less energetic between 18 to 24 months old. However, it's important to remember that each Cavapoo is individual, so the exact timing may vary. Some may start to settle down earlier or later than this age range.

Q: What is the downside of Cavapoos?

A: The potential downsides of Cavapoos involve health risks, as they can inherit certain conditions from their parent breeds. These include syringomyelia, mitral valve disease, cataracts, hip dysplasia, luxating patella, progressive retinal atrophy, skin problems, and epilepsy. Regular health check-ups and a proactive approach to care can help manage these conditions if they arise.

Q: Do Cavapoos like to go on walks?

A: Yes, Cavapoos generally enjoy going on walks. These active and social dogs benefit from at least 40 minutes of exercise each day, which can be divided into multiple walks, combined with playtime and other activities. The specific amount of exercise may vary based on your Cavapoo's health, temperament, and weight.

Q: What is the best thing about Cavapoos?

A: The best thing about Cavapoos is their friendly and affectionate nature. They excel as family pets, easily adapting to different environments, and getting along well with children and other animals. They thrive on human interaction, and their love for play makes them a joyful addition to any home.