Training Your Cockapoo: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Dog Owner

Cockapoo standing on grass

Welcoming a Cockapoo into your household is an exciting journey, filled with love and companionship. Along with the joy comes the responsibility of training your fluffy companion, an essential process for instilling good behavior, ensuring their safety, and strengthening your bond with them.

Whether you're bringing home a new Cockapoo puppy or planning to, it can be a thrilling yet challenging time! Training your Cockapoo may seem intimidating at first, but with the right guidance, preparation, and patience, you can efficiently guide your puppy towards becoming a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog.

This guide is designed to shed light on various Cockapoo training methods, tackle common challenges, and offer useful tips to assist you in this remarkable journey. We're here to equip you with everything you need to ensure your pup's successful training. Get ready for an enriching experience that deepens your bond with your Cockapoo.

When Should You Start Training Your Cockapoo Puppy?

The optimal time to begin training your Cockapoo puppy is as early as 4-6 months. By this age, their cognitive abilities are fully developed, and they've accumulated a range of experiences, enhancing their understanding of their environment. However, training shouldn't be delayed; even before this ideal age, your Cockapoo is continuously learning from its surroundings and interactions.

Although the 4-6 months timeframe might be ideal for structured training, it's essential not to delay the start of their training journey. You can begin teaching your Cockapoo basic commands and etiquette as soon as they join your family, instilling positive behaviors from the start.

Bear in mind, if you're thinking of socializing your Cockapoo or signing them up for group training classes, you should wait until they're at least 12 weeks old or fully vaccinated. This is to ensure their safety and that of other dogs. For more details, refer to this vaccination schedule.


Navigating Cockapoo training may seem challenging, but with the right mix of strategies, tips, and considerations, you'll be on your way to success. The key to effective training lies in maintaining a well-organized daily routine and initiating socialization early. Let's delve into these areas.

Establish a Regular Routine

The first step in your Cockapoo's training is to establish a daily routine and stick to it. This provides multiple advantages. As your Cockapoo transitions into a new home, away from their familiar surroundings and canine family, a regular routine offers a sense of predictability, helping them adjust to their new lifestyle.

A consistent routine also helps schedule vital activities like feeding times, bathroom breaks, naps, exercise, playtime, and bonding sessions with you. In the context of potty training, regular schedules are invaluable, teaching your Cockapoo when and where to do their business. We'll cover this more in-depth later in this guide.

Start Socializing Early

Socialization is a critical aspect of Cockapoo training, and it should start early. Introduce your puppy to a wide range of people, including children, and allow safe interactions with other pets.

Ensure your pup is fully vaccinated and has been given the go-ahead by a vet before bringing them into communal areas like dog parks.

The benefits of socializing your Cockapoo are threefold. First, it helps your pup become comfortable with various individuals and animals, promoting appropriate social behavior. Second, it builds confidence in your Cockapoo, lessening potential anxiety in unfamiliar circumstances. Lastly, Cockapoos, being naturally sociable, enjoy interacting with others and thrive in social environments.


Let's break down a routine to facilitate a smooth training journey for your Cockapoo!

Step 1: Begin the day with an immediate potty break after your Cockapoo wakes up. This alleviates their overnight needs and commences the day on a positive note.

Step 2: Implement set meal times for your Cockapoo, preferably in line with your own breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. Regular feeding not only aids digestion but also strengthens your bond.

Step 3: Anticipate another potty break post-mealtime, especially for Cockapoo puppies. They often need to eliminate about 30 to 60 minutes after feeding, making this a crucial routine.

Step 4: Now it's time for exercise, an essential part of their day. Be aware of their energy levels; if your Cockapoo is still young, maintain shorter sessions to avoid overexertion.

Step 5: After exercise, another potty break is necessary. Physical activities stimulate their metabolism, leading to this need.

Step 6: Allow your Cockapoo to rest and nap following exercise and their subsequent potty session. Puppies may sleep up to 18 hours daily, which is crucial for their growth and development.

Step 7: After naptime, yet another potty break is in order. Regardless of it being morning or post-nap, puppies typically need to eliminate upon waking.

Step 8: Establish a regular bedtime routine and your Cockapoo will adapt accordingly. A final potty break before bed will help avert any overnight accidents.

Step 9: Finally, keep a watch on feeding frequency, which should be aligned with your Cockapoo's age. Initially, 3 to 4 meals a day are advised from 8 to 12 weeks old, decreasing to 3 times a day around the 4-5 month mark, and further reduced to twice daily when they are about 6 to 7 months old. This gradual reduction coincides with their growing needs.

Is a Cockapoo Easy To Train?

Yes, Absolutely! Cockapoos are generally receptive to training due to their smart and eager-to-please nature. However, training ease can vary depending on their individual history and upbringing. Cockapoos from challenging backgrounds might require more patience and time to overcome any fearful behaviors or negative habits. Nevertheless, with regular, positive reinforcement-based training, Cockapoos can grasp new commands effectively.

Cockapoo Training Challenges and Effective Solutions

  • Excessive Barking: Cockapoos, being energetic and expressive, may have a tendency to bark excessively. This can be managed by training them to respond to a "quiet" command or by redirecting their focus elsewhere. Avoid raising your voice or displaying anger, as this may escalate the behavior.

  • Separation Anxiety: Cockapoos are sociable and affectionate dogs that can experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. You can mitigate this by gradually increasing their alone time, offering stimulating toys, and maintaining a calm demeanor when leaving and returning home.

  • Stubbornness: Cockapoos may sometimes display stubborn behavior during training. Ensure that training sessions are enjoyable, concise, and filled with rewards to keep them engaged. Implementing a positive reinforcement strategy is vital to addressing this issue.

  • Potty Training Challenges: Some Cockapoos may require more time to master potty training. Consistent training, patience, and a routine bathroom schedule can significantly assist in this process. Be sure to reward them when they do it correctly.

  • Jumping Up on People: Cockapoos might jump on people due to excitement or to garner attention. To counteract this, train your pup to 'sit' or 'lie down' when they begin to jump. Overlooking the jumping and praising the calm behavior can also be effective.

  • Chewing: Similar to many dog breeds, Cockapoos might go through a chewing phase, particularly during teething. Supply them with various chew toys and dissuade them from chewing on inappropriate objects.

Remember, it's essential to tackle each issue with patience and empathy, ensuring your Cockapoo feels secure and cherished throughout their training journey.

How Do You Discipline a Cockapoo?

Disciplining a Cockapoo involves a number of positive and non-confrontational techniques:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your Cockapoo for good behavior with treats, toys, or praise.

  2. Clicker Training: Use a clicker to mark the exact moment your dog behaves correctly, followed by a reward.

  3. Mirror Training: Cockapoos can learn by mimicking your behavior, so model the behaviors you want them to adopt.

  4. Relationship-Based Training: Build a strong bond with your Cockapoo to increase their desire to please you.

  5. Treats and Treat Pouch: Always have treats on hand in a treat pouch to reward good behavior immediately.

  6. Toys: Use toys as a reward or to redirect negative behavior towards something appropriate.

  7. Walking Training Accessories: Use tools like harnesses or leashes to guide behavior during walks.

  8. Crate, Gates, and Playpen: These can provide safe spaces for your Cockapoo and help manage their environment, especially when house-training or controlling destructive behavior.

Cockapoo sitting to trainers command

Developing Proper Habits: Potty Training Your Cockapoo

Effective potty training for your Cockapoo begins with establishing a regular routine. Make it a habit to take your puppy outdoors consistently, notably after meal times, naps, and play sessions. Utilize specific commands like "go potty" to create an association between the phrase and the activity. When they successfully go outside, reward them with treats or praise to encourage the behavior. Patience and consistency are crucial during this stage.

Establishing Household Rules: House Training Your Cockapoo

House training your Cockapoo entails setting clear rules and expectations. Start by confining your puppy to a specific area or room, gradually increasing their freedom as they demonstrate a clear understanding of house rules. Reward positive behaviors, like playing with toys or resting in their bed, with praise or treats. If you catch them performing unwanted behavior, distract them and guide them towards the desired action. Remember, effective house training is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency.

Vaccination Prior to Socialization

Before your Cockapoo engages with other people or dogs, particularly in group training sessions such as those at PetSmart or Petco, it is crucial that they are fully vaccinated. Ignoring this precaution can result in severe health issues, even fatalities. This ensures not only your dog's safety but also the safety of other dogs. Unvaccinated dogs are susceptible to diseases like Giardia and Parvo. For more information, refer to our detailed article on vaccinations. By keeping your Cockapoo's vaccinations up-to-date, you are making a significant stride towards protecting their health as they embark on the exciting path of socialization and training.

Harnessing Group Dynamics: Cockapoo Group Training

Group training sessions offered by reputable pet stores such as PetSmart and Petco provide Cockapoos with an opportunity to learn important commands while interacting with other dogs. These sessions range from basic beginner courses to more complex levels. The primary benefit of these group classes is the structured setting that promotes interaction, understanding of commands, and behavior regulation, all contributing to your Cockapoo's social skills.

Immersive Learning Experience: Board and Train Programs

Board and train programs represent an intensive training option where your Cockapoo stays with a professional trainer for several weeks, receiving daily training and socialization. These programs deliver comprehensive training routines that tackle various behaviors and skills, making them an excellent choice for pet owners who may feel overwhelmed with training. However, they can be pricey and might cause anxiety due to your Cockapoo's prolonged separation from home. Check out our trained puppies here!

Flexible and Convenient Approach: Online Cockapoo Training

Online training courses, like the ones provided by, offer a flexible and contemporary approach to Cockapoo training. These courses can be accessed at any time, seamlessly fitting into busy routines. They cover an extensive range of behaviors and commands and can be revisited for reinforcement. Additionally, online training allows your Cockapoo to learn in a familiar setting, boosting their comfort and concentration.

Incorporating Training into Everyday Life

Incorporating training into your Cockapoo's daily routines is an efficient method to reinforce learned behaviors and commands. Training doesn't need to be a separate, scheduled task; it can occur during walks, meal times, playtimes, and other routine activities.

Training During Daily Activities: Regular daily activities provide ample opportunities for training. For example, you can practice the "sit" command before feeding your Cockapoo or the "stay" command before opening doors. Walks can also be a good time to reinforce leash manners and the "come" command.

The Importance of Consistency and Repetition: Consistency is vital in training. Ensure that you're using the same commands and rewards each time, and try to incorporate training into your Cockapoo's daily routine. Repetition assists in reinforcing behaviors and commands, ingraining them into your Cockapoo's behavior. Remember, patience is key in this process. Progress may be slow, but consistent effort will lead to positive changes in your Cockapoo's behavior and obedience.


As a Cockapoo owner, prioritizing your pet's training is an investment in their safety, well-being, and your mutual enjoyment of each other. This guide has explored various training options, from the fundamental obedience commands to more structured alternatives like group training, board and train programs, and online courses.

Remember, the goal of training is not merely obedience but fostering a strong, understanding bond between you and your Cockapoo. Whichever training path you choose, the key ingredients to success are consistency, patience, and repetition.

Embrace the training journey with your Cockapoo - it's an opportunity to learn more about your furry friend and enhance the quality of life you share together. Your commitment to their training today will reward both of you with a stronger relationship and a happier, safer life in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: At what age do Cockapoos calm down?

A: Cockapoos typically start to calm down around two years old. However, they remain energetic throughout adulthood due to their enthusiastic nature. A noticeable slowdown typically happens at the age of seven, when they begin to transition into a less active phase of life.

Q: Are Cockapoos good for first-time owners?

A: Yes, Cockapoos make excellent pets for first-time dog owners. They are known for their friendly nature and are suitable for families, including those with children and other pets. Their manageable temperament and ease of handling make them a good fit for those new to dog ownership.

Q: Do Cockapoos pick a favorite person?

A: Yes, Cockapoos often bond closely with one person in a family. They are known to pick a favorite person who they feel needs them the most, which can lead to a strong and meaningful bond. This trait is also observed in their roles as assistance dogs.

Q: Why do Cockapoos follow you everywhere?

A: Cockapoos tend to follow you everywhere primarily as a sign of their trust, love, and sense of security with you. It can also indicate that they might be bored, seeking attention or something they desire, feeling anxious, or simply being curious about your activities.
